The Democrat’s COVID-19 Relief Bill

“Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste” — Rahm Emanuel, former Democrat mayor of Chicago, and a Senior Advisor to President Barack Obama for Policy and Strategy

The crisis is COVID-19 and Democrats are exploiting it with their new “COVID-19 Relief Bill.”

When President Biden—also known as King Joseph the First of America—says “America is back,” what he means is, The Deep State is back, the crooks are back in power, and they’re sure you won’t do a thing about it.

Their so-called COVID-19 Relief Bill is supposed to be about helping Americans who have suffered from the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead, it is a liberal Democrat bailout bill and a “let’s buy some more votes bill.” It’s all there; big payoffs to people who have favorite projects that need funding, and, as usual, they’re bailing out their failed governments around the country. Of course, the states that have been governed well—Republican run states—have to pay for those that were not governed well. You don’t believe it? Then explain this: Only about 9% of the bill has anything to do with COVID-19! To be sure the reader understands what’s going on, only 9% of the $1.9 trillion bill is for COVID-19 relief.

Here are just a few of the items they stuck into their “COVID-19 Relief Bill.

  • About $100 million for Bay Area rapid transit system
  • About $1 billion for other similar transportation projects
  • About $200 million for museums and libraries
  • About $270 million combined in arts and humanities endowments
  • $50 million in family planning funding
  • Raising the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour
  • Expansion of Medicaid and Obamacare
  • Funding for the “activities of one or more equity commissions”
  • Multi-employer pension plans bailout
  • $50 million for environmental and climate change grants

So, The Deep State is back. They finally got rid of that terrible orange man who was actually fixing things, which is the very last thing the Democrats want. Why? Because if they actually fix things, they would have nothing left to run on—issues to get people agitated, angry, or frightened about. Fear is there a biggest motivator; it’s what gets most of their votes. Democrats want issues to run on, not solutions. They’ve been doing this for decades and if you don’t know that then you have not been paying attention.

Democrats were not desperate to get rid of Donald Trump because he was a terrible president. It was quite the opposite. He was an existential threat to them, to their ability to gain and keep power because—horror of all horrors—he was remarkably good at getting things done—good things. Of course, if you are a Democrat you probably didn’t know that. You certainly didn’t know that if you get your news and analysis from CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, social media, or any one of the other propaganda masters. But that is another discussion for another time.

Remember, only about 9% of the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 Relief Bill is actually for COVID-19 relief! So, if you have ever wondered what the Democrats mean when they say, “Never let a crisis go to waste” now you know. King Joseph is right, America is back. Translation: the crooks are back in power. This is how they build their big political machines like the ones in Los Angeles, Chicago, Baltimore, and many other states and cities.

This is a huge amount of money. $1 trillion is 1000 billion dollars. Can you even imagine how much taxpayer hard work went into producing that kind of wealth? After all, eventually that’s where it comes from—hard-working Americans. The Democrats will be using this to fund and maintain their socialist agenda for the next four years and beyond. And you will pay for it all. Even if you’re in a state with low income taxes and low unemployment and a state that has been managed well, you’re going to help pay for all those failed states and cities that the Democrats run.

It’s about getting more Democrats elected in 2022 and 2024 in order to build their big national political machine even bigger. It is all about political power. What it is not about, is we the people. If you think anything different, you are woefully ignorant or naïve, or both.

Note: The so-called Covid-19 Relief Bill passed the House of Representatives and went to the Senate. In the Senate it passed 50 to 49 without a single Republican voting for it. It then went back to the House and was passed again without even one Republican vote. Remember, this is a $1.9 trillion spending bill that is as corrupt as it gets.