The Democrat’s COVID-19 Relief Bill
The crisis is COVID-19 and Democrats are exploiting it with their new”COVID-19 Relief Bill.”
When President Biden—also known as King Joseph the First of America—says “America is back,” what he means is,
The Democrat’s COVID-19 Relief Bill
The crisis is COVID-19 and Democrats are exploiting it with their new”COVID-19 Relief Bill.”
When President Biden—also known as King Joseph the First of America—says “America is back,” what he means is,
Wow! And yet they’ve never met me, don’t know anything about me, and don’t even know my name. So, what's going on?
Well, let me give you a little hint;
What a farce! What a disgrace! What an embarrassment! How deeply and fatefully sad. With all the pomp and circumstance, with knowledge of our hallowed history of the great selfless, patriotic sacrifice that forged and maintained the greatest nation in the history of mankind, we should be ashamed. There is nothing noble in Washington today....
There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” Soren Kierkegaard Whatever your political association, as an American citizen, you must know that if we hope to realize the dreams, which we espouse as a nation of free people, we...